Janna is an amazing young woman who has a passion for Christ and for helping others. I had the pleasure to get to know her on a mission’s trip and this is where she told me that she interprets dreams. I shared a 16 year old dream with her and she explained it to me! It was amazing. She asked questions and waited for me to answer. She didn’t rush or make comments that did not apply. She just quietly and very competently kept asking questions. I would think about the questions and the answers just came! I was so surprised and so happy and finally at peace with the dream after all these years. I truly believe she has a gift and am so grateful she is sharing her talent with others. I truly recommend her services.

Sandy | Denver, IN


I had always known that dream interpretation happened in the Bible, but to me that seemed so disconnected from life today. It wasn’t until Janna helped me through the process of analyzing what the symbols in my dreams meant TO ME, that I realized the profound potential for insight into my own soul. It was an amazing experience the first time and I have sought her help many times since then.

Brad | Scranton, PA